Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Spirit

I am the pianist for our church choir.  I am just an average player.  In fact, I started taking lessons again about a year ago to improve my skill.  ( I hadn't played since high school).

It was our Christmas program on Sunday.  The choir was responsible for 3 songs:  "The First Noel", an arrangement of "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" and our finale piece and arrangement of "What Child is This?"   I anguished so much of whether I was the person to be playing.  We have a couple of young ladies that play effortless and beautifully.  I have to practice and practice and hope and pray a lot. I went back and forth whether I should back out and let someone else perform these special pieces.  I didn't want to hinder the spirit of the meeting with the music stumbling along.  There was a solo section in the "I Heard the Bells" and I didn't want to ruin his part by me being inadequate and we also had a cello accompanying with me on "What Child is This".  My husband kept telling me I would do OK.  But that was just it - I wanted to do more than just ok!  I want those listening to be touched by His spirit through the music being offered.

I was sick with worry. 

During my practice session and lesson on Friday, I had a thought.  I had done my part.  I had practiced and practiced and now I could ask, in prayer, for Him to fill in what I was missing.   So that is what I did.  I deemed Saturday to be my last practice and to leave the rest to the Lord.

Sunday morning before our meeting started, we had choir practice.  It didn't go well.  I started to worry again.  I had to remind myself that I had done my part and  to trust Him, over and over again.  The meeting started and I can't say I remember more than the speaker before us, hands were shaking.  It was our turn.. . .

It was beautiful!!!  Did I play perfectly -- no.  BUT I played better than I ever had and the mistakes I made weren't noticeable.  I WAS BLESSED!  I wish I could express in words my feelings when we were done, but I can't.  I can tell you that as I write this, tears still come to my eyes in gratitude for that blessing and the joy it brought to me in being reminded that prayers are answered and the simple joys in life are the best.

My goal for 2011 is to live my life more in tune with His spirit and like the Wise Men -- SEEK HIM!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Warrior!!

I accomplished so much this weekend for Christmas. 
My house is decorated and I'm 80% done with making my gifts.

Here is my 'welcome' on my front door ---

Close -ups ---

I have been trying to do a decorative dish towel for the kitchen for the different seasons.  This is the one I chose for this Christmas.

We have decided that this year and every year following, we will be making a conscious effort to put Christ back into our Christmas.  For the past several years, we have 'catered' to the members of the family that aren't active in any church.  But this year, as the grand-kids are getting older, I feel very strongly that they need to know how we feel and what we believe.  We are having Santa come and bring gifts -- HOWEVER-- he will be telling us a story about why Santa believes in Christ.  I'm praying the evening will be a success and no one is offended.

This simple, but beautiful pewter nativity was a gift from friends a couple of years ago.  It is one of my favorites!!

You can't see the manger in this picture, but it was my husband's mothers and we were able to find a nativity that fits perfectly.  It sits in the entry.

I worry about my tree every year.  My husband and I discuss the size of the tree, (he likes big and bushy and I like tall and thin) what color of lights (I want white and he wants colors) and always the ornaments (he would be happy with red and green every year and I want either a theme tree or different every year).  But since we are having the family party at out house he won the size of the tree and since the tree is pre-lit; we settled on our artificial tree and I went out and bought new ornaments and ribbon garland.  It looks better in real life and with the lights on  -- but I like it.

A few more items to make and then comes the wrapping...............

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tis' the Season

Isn't great to feel the season approaching.  We had a wild reminder with all the snow we have received in the past couple of weeks. 

Our family Christmas Party is next week and so this weekend, cleaning and decorating will be high on the weekend schedule.

Stay tuned as I share my decorations, gifts and my attempts at Christmas goodies.....

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Some Days Just Are. . . .

Why do some days we wake up like little Eeyore?  We feel so discouraged - that is just like Eeyore's dark cloud that follows us everywhere?

Is it the way we eat - too much sugar, too much soda pop? Or not enough fresh veggies and clean water?
Is it a bad dream that sets our souls for dismay, even if we can't remember it?
Is it that our yesterdays were so good that the Universe says it is our turn to have a gloomy one?
Is it too little sleep, not enough personal time or are we coming down with a cold?
Is it too many little negatives -- you spill breakfast on your shirt just as you are ready to leave the house, then your car needs gas and you are running late, and then that car cuts you off on the freeway and with all this -- your hair seems to be having a bad day too!  Nothing goes our way!!

I've never figured it out -- but today Eeyore and I are buddies -- and if we figure out how to get rid of this dark cloud -- will be sure to let you know.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Projects Galore! Quilts, Quilts and more Quilts!

I've got the quilting bug!!  I thought I would share my current projects --- this is only a few of the many in boxes and bags waiting to be started/worked on/ and completed.  If you ask my husband, he is pretty sure I have over 1000 projects in various stages--- hmmm.... he might be right ;)

My eye is on these fabrics for my next project.  I will be the quilt guild president for 2011 and I'm hoping the ladies will want to do a mystery quilt.  I have already chosen a pattern and these will be my fabrics:

This will be my Christmas decoration hanging on my front door.

Now this next project has been in hibernation for over 10 years!!  When I lived in Logan, before I even meet my husband, I was quilting alot with my mother and we went to a quilt retreat and this is the project I chose.  It is so time consuming that the only thing I got done at the retreat was coloring my diagram and cutting the pieces.  Because each block intercedes with the next block and each row gets bigger and bigger it is sewn together piece by piece not block by block.  I hope it will be stunning when it is completed!!   Note:  Daytona (my fur-baby) was very jealous about all the attention he wasn't getting and wanted to be in the picture too!

And last but not least, when we did our renovation on the great-room in our home, I decided to hang some of my past projects in the entry.  I have made many quilts, but rarely used them -- I don't know why.  But with our new decor- they are everywhere -- even on our bed!!  The center quilt was a gift from my mother for Christmas last year.....it is appliqued!  Simply Beautiful!!
I love to start new projects, a bit slow to finish, but I hope by the first of the year you will come back and see the finished items!
Wish me luck!

BTW --- I can't be the only one with several projects in the works -- how many do you have?

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Colors Of Autumn

  "October gave a party; the leaves by the hundreds came- The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples, and leaves of every name.  The Sunshine spread a carpet, and everything was grand, Miss Weather led the dancing, Professor Wind the band."    --George Cooper

I was lucky enough to see the last of this "October Party" as I was grocery shopping on Saturday.  I love Fall!  The crisp air, shorter days and the glorious color of the leaves.  I get to wear socks and slippers, long sleeves and comfy/cozy sweaters, we get to come in the house, turn up the heat and eat stews, soups and homemade rolls.  This time of year starts to bring everyone inside to spend time together and for me make and create for the holidays.  Did I tell you I love this time of year!?!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Our house is but a small house, but God knows where we live.

This is my favorite place to be.  My Home!!  This is the center of who I really am. 

When we bought this house nearly 7 years ago, it was nothing more than wood, brick and paint.  With time, work and love -- my husband and I have made it our home.  A place to shut out the world, when necessary, and regenerate our batteries for the next day.  What makes a home?  I have found that it is not the size, it is not the location, and it certainly isn't the high dollar cost.  A home is made special by the things we put in it. 

We were able, with a lot of hard work, to redo the floors this past summer, touch up the paint, clean all the corners and get rid of some junk that was cluttering the 'home' we wanted it to be.  I gave away many items that were handed down, purchased and needed to be just thrown away.  We replaced it all with items that I have made, items that that were being kept for some "special occasion" that never came and pictures of happy memories.  Add to that, the  love, kind words and joys our relationship together has grown to be, and you have the recipe that has made this house, our home!
"This is the place that we call home, and we are truly thankful."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

This is me -- a child at the computer.  Trying out a blog in 2010.  Yes, I know, in the computer world, I'm a bit behind the times.

Follow along, if you wish, while I learn, share, quilt, craft and live as Just Me.