Monday, November 8, 2010

The Colors Of Autumn

  "October gave a party; the leaves by the hundreds came- The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples, and leaves of every name.  The Sunshine spread a carpet, and everything was grand, Miss Weather led the dancing, Professor Wind the band."    --George Cooper

I was lucky enough to see the last of this "October Party" as I was grocery shopping on Saturday.  I love Fall!  The crisp air, shorter days and the glorious color of the leaves.  I get to wear socks and slippers, long sleeves and comfy/cozy sweaters, we get to come in the house, turn up the heat and eat stews, soups and homemade rolls.  This time of year starts to bring everyone inside to spend time together and for me make and create for the holidays.  Did I tell you I love this time of year!?!


  1. Me too!! It makes me want to stay inside and sew. Stay dry today. :)

  2. If the snow stayed in the mountains I would love this time of year more. This does make me want to say inside baking cookies and sitting by the fireplace with some knitting/crocheting and HOT CHOCOLATE. Beautiful photo!!

  3. Welcome to blog world! You will love it! The picture of the tree is wonderful! I just love this time of year as well. Wish it would last much longer!
