Thursday, January 20, 2011


Regan at "Floating on a Quilted Cloud" was so nice to mention my blog in her recent tag post. 
I love comments so I'm going to play!
Julie at "Country Girl at Heart" is the person that got me started so she is definitely worthy of a mention here.  She also quilts, loves primitive and always has thoughtful things to say about life and family.
Joni is the owner of "Quilter's Haven" my most visited fabric store.  Follow her blog to see all the newly released fabrics, patterns and gadgets.  Don't forget to check out the recipes too!
Quilting Melodies always has a quilting project to show --- check out her last field trip.
Now for the rules to my choosen to participate:
1) Tell your readers who tagged you.
2) Add a link to their blog.
3) Award 3-5 bloggers who you think deserve this award.
Inform them and post directions to your blogspot. Please don't tag people who already have 300 followers. The goal of this award is to get more publicity to blogs that are good, but not so well known.
Thanks Amanda for teaching me the "link-y" thing.
Please visit again......

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I admit - I'm addicted!

I have the fabric bug!  I can't go into a fabric store and get 'just what I need' , like a spool of thread or just fabric for the binding of a current project.  I walk into the store- and the displays, classes and new fabric start to form new projects in my head!  And my willpower is weak -- and I leave with what I went for and a whole new project to add to my stash!  Does this happen to you?

And it doesn't help the addiction, to be the new 2011 President of my local guild either.   But it is so FUN!  Some nights I can't sleep at night, there are so many project 'dancing' in my head to share, start and plan for the monthly guild meetings.  That being said and my confession being complete -- here is what has transformed from those sleepless nights:

This is our guilds "Basket Block of the Month" -- I started right after Christmas to get ahead a little because I want to support all of the Project Leaders in the guild. So this is mine.  I decided to do Christmas baskets and it we will be done in November just in time for it to be completed and decorating my bed for Christmas!
This is our other block of the month - A Woman's Life.  These are my fabric choices.  I tried to find a block that represented a time in a woman's life.  The first block is the Birthday Cake or the See Saw block to represent "Youth".  Some of the others are: A Texas Rose Block or Heart block for "Romance"; the Broken Dishes block for the "Domestic Goddess" in us all.  Also, a Trip to the Alter block for "marriage" and a Memories block for when each of us are looking back over our lives......just to name a few.

This is my fabric choices for the mystery quilt we will be doing.  I wanted a July 4th quilt and the pattern will be great in red, white and blue!  I named the pattern - Windy Wonder.  Clue #1 is cutting all the pieces out. 
Bonus Clue: pinwheels

This is one of those projects that GRABBED me when I went to the fabric store just to get a couple of more reds for the mystery quilt -- Purple and Browns -- the pattern is called 'Reelin'.
This quilt top (not yet sown together yet) is called "Can you see the Stars?"  It was suppose to be finished before the new year started and my responsibilities for guild began.  It will get done one Sunday afternoon when my husband has to work.  Question-- I think there is too many light strips -- maybe another arrangement will  show it more balanced.  What do you think?

Wow!  Now you know what has been going on in my brain lately!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

I've been "Tagged"!   And as soon as I find out how to do the 'link-y thing" --- I will be playing!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Timely Goals

We were very lucky to take a tour this past summer which included the Navuoo Temple.  I have several special memories of this tour and one of them was the temple.  It is the only temple I can recall that has a clock on it.  It has repeatedly come to my mind that I should be thinking about what I do with my time.

With being the first of the year, it easily connects with the setting of new yearly goals. I have thought long and hard about this -- I don't want to set a resolution, I want to achieve a goal!

I've chosen the four basic areas: physical, emotional, spiritual and financial.
It is time that I take control of my physical self - eat less and exercise.
It is time that I consciously take steps to become closer to my Heavenly Father - read daily scriptures.
It is time that I stop spending money like I have more than I actually have - budget.
It is time that I take responsibility for my emotions, not waiting for situations to make me happy- personal time.

I have detailed plans for each area.  It will be difficult, I know.  I work outside of the home and so I have limited evening hours to accomplish these things.  But isn't there a scripture that states -through small acts; great things are accomplished-?

If it is to be; it is up to ME!

What time is it for you?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

There is alot to think about at the beginning of a new year.  The first thing that comes to mind is ' What do I want to accomplish' ?    I'm still thinking........